Soil conditioning
improving water retention & aeration capacity
improving water retention & aeration capacity
Water scarce can be the direct cause of conflict
Drip irrigation is great solution for water saving. However further water saving is
now required
Utilization of Porous Alpha as soil conditioner can realize
water saving with increased yield, identified as an
environmental technology transferrable to developing countries by
United Nations
Introduction by United Nation (UNIDO)
“Porous α” as water saiving irrigation systeme is registed in
enviromental technology database of UNIDO. (more)
Mixing 10% Porous Alpha of the soil roots zone by tractor and hoe.
It’s same application as compost and/or fertilizer. No need to
additional machines and/or skills.
<Installation Amount>
Test farm:ORMVASM* experimentation farm
Target crop:Tomato
Duration:September 2015 to April 2016
Irrigation method:Tube irrigation
*ORMVASM is ‘Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole du Souss Massa’
Saving 48% irrigation water
Increasing yield 28%
Required quantity of Porous Alpha : 10% of the soil of root zone is the base. But it can change depending on the soil
Durability of Porous Alpha: More than 10 years
Water retention capacity: 15% of volume of Porous Alpha