Water treatment
Adsorption & desorption of Phosphorus ion
Adsorption & desorption of Phosphorus ion
One of main materials of fertilizer (NPK fertilizer)
Uneven distribution over the world
Fertilizer consumption is expected to be increased due to higher food demand and decreased arable area
*The standard emission of phosphorus is applied to only wastewater discharged, to lakes specified that phosphorus could cause significant phytoplankton multiplication by Minister of the Environment , to a sea area specified that phosphorus could cause significant marine phytoplankton multiplication by Minister of the Environment or to public water flowing in them.
Phosphorus adsorption & recovery decrease environmental burden and utilize rare resource
Porous Alpha can reduce the cost of treatment for discharged water with phosphorus
discharged water with phosphorus
Our company has the patent on Production methodology of adsorption agent
of Phosphorus ion, Phosphorus acid fertilizer and
adsorption agent of Phosphorus ion.
Specific surface area:83m2 g-1
Specific surface area : 278m2 g-1)
Soda-lime glass has the elements with which phosphorous ion is adsorbed or precipitated
As the treatment plant is simple and smaller than the others
it is possible to realize with smaller investment
Contents of pilot project
・Adsorption of phosphorus from water flowing into sewage plant
・Desorption of phosphorus
・Evaluation of the Porous Alpha with phosphorus as fertilizer
Phosphorus adsorption
・Adsorption ability is the highest approximately pH 7.0
・Applicable initial concentration is higher than 0.8 ppm
・Phosphate concentration in treated solution is lower than 0.2 ppm
・It’s required to prevent the suspended solids adsorbed to Porous Alpha
– SS should be removed in pre-treatment; or
– Put filter to protect Porous Alpha from SS
Phosphorus recover
・With nitric acid higher than 0.5mol/L
・Phosphorus recovery rate: more than 80%
Nitric acid (more than 0.1mol/L) or citric acid (more than 0.05mol/L)